Happy New Year from Mrs. Maredith!

Is your HOA ready for 2023?

As the holiday season comes to an end, it’s natural to start thinking about projects you want to tackle in the New Year. For an HOA Board of Directors, it could be re-paving the community roads, investing in landscaping enhancements at your entrance monument(s), recruiting more volunteers or maintaining a balanced budget.

The Maredith Team is dedicated to supporting our Boards in achieving all of their goals for 2023. We provide an Annual Board Task List to our Boards and January’s tasks include:

  • ESTABLISH DIRECTOR GOALS: It’s important to reevaluate this annually. What will your role on the Board of Directors be in 2023? What are your goals? Clearly communicate your interests and expertise with your fellow directors. You may not realize that there is a CPA on your Board who has a keen interest in reviewing HOA Financials monthly. Perhaps you have a director with contractor experience that can take on a role of primary reviewer of incoming bids. If someone has a knack for making others feel welcome and included find a way to foster that energy and pour it back into the community.

    • ELECT OFFICERS: Your Governing Documents may allow for staggered terms or multi-year terms, but you can elect officers annually and this is done by a vote of the Board, not the community members. You could continue in the same officer positions or change positions year to year based upon the needs of the community and Board Member interests.

  • ESTABLISH ANY COMMITTEES: Remember, you cannot do it all. Encourage homeowners to join you and establish committees for them to serve on. The Board of Directors will want to work with their Community Manager to establish a Charter for the Committee, appoint a Committee Chair and recruit members. The Board will need to outline the roles and responsibilities of this committee and it’s recommended they set clear goals for the Committee.Example: Is it your Board’s goal to have more community events in 2023 but you don’t have the time to tackle this project? Form a Social Committee to tackle the event planning, outreach, etc. Or do you have a group of homeowners who are growing frustrated with the number of unapproved home modifications taking place? Ask them to join the Architectural Control Committee to dedicate their time and attention to this important task.

No matter how big or how small, the Maredith Team is ready to kick off 2023 with you! Call your Community Manager today to share your Board’s goals for the New Year. And if you’re a prospective client give us a call to strategize how you too can achieve great things for your HOA this year! We look forward to working with you.


Mrs. Maredith


Welcoming New Homeowners